children's book artist

Al Margolis 

Having worked in the humorous illustration category since 2001, primarily in children’s books, Al can also provide formatting for print books. He works in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign and pencil with watercolor.


Al has illustrated many subjects, including self-help, bullying, divorce, and cancer survival, in addition to memoirs, adventure stories and books with very inspiring morals for children, all set in many different background locations, including homes, forests, playgrounds, etc.


Al's process begins by sending rough sketches, then clean outlines based on the approved rough sketches, then adding color to the approved outlines. Revisions are allowed for each step. His turnaround time is approximately 2-3 days for each finished illustration with any revisions requiring an extra day, depending on what they are.


Working with Al, clients own the art with all publishing rights and he welcomes any interested inquiries.

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